Thursday, September 8, 2011

Senggigi Beach

Natural Beauty | Senggigi Beach | Indonesia is very famous for its natural beauty. Because Indonesia is an archipelago. One of the beauties of nature in Indonesia are the panoramic beaches. Article examines one of the beaches in Indonesia, namely Senggigi Beach.  

Senggigi Beach is one of the famous tourist spot in Lombok. Located on the west coast of Lombok Island. Coastal beaches are still beautiful, coupled with a very beautiful underwater scenery and snorkeling tourists can do as much because the waves are not too large. Coral reefs towering waves magnitude ketengah cause rupture in the middle. There are also hotels with varying prices.

Senggigi Beach is now beginning ogled by tourists, especially foreign tourists, because of the relatively virgin territory and also has extensive information about his whereabouts. With increasing interest and enthusiasm of tourists to the Senggigi Beach, the local government and companies sewasta increasingly keen to build and fix all the infrastructure, so that the tourists more interested to visit this beach.

There are many tourist activities that visitors can do at this beach, like swimming, splashing, diving, snorkeling, sunbathing, and playing around making sandcastles. If the afternoon sun had begun to fade, tourists can also take the time to simply stroll the beach barefoot track, sitting on the sand with mangamati blue-green ocean water, or relax at the beachside hotel outlets while waiting for sunset arrived. For visitors who want to swim or just playing in the water, it is suggested to be more careful, because at the seaside there are many sharp rocks are quite harmful to the feet.

To the area of ​​Senggigi Beach is quite easy, because there have been ports and airports on the island of Lombok. If the opposite of the island of Bali, travelers can depart from the Port of Karang Asem use a ferry to Senggigi, with travel time about 30 minutes away. Mileage can be trimmed when using aircraft from Ngurah Rai Airport in Denpasar to Mataram Selaparang Airport (Capital NTB), which only takes about 15 minutes.

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